If you have Airplane Mode Not Turning Off Problem and Airplane Button is not working in your Laptop or PC then don't worry in this post i am going to explain you how can you solve this issue easily .
This solution for all Laptop and Computers Windows 10 , 8.1 ,8 and all
This solution for all Laptop and Computers Windows 10 , 8.1 ,8 and all
How To Turning Off Airplane Mode When Button is Not Working
- Refresh Your PC By Left Click
- Then Look On Your Keyboard Press " FN " Button and hold and press " PrtScr " Also
- Remember You have to press both button in 1 time
- Button Short key - FN + PrtScr
- If it is not working then press - FN + F2
- If it is not working then also Try - FN + F3
- But the most powerful short key is - FN + PrtScr
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